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A Girl Called Helpless Sinner

To the one who was a mess

She was called beautiful by many, and indeed she was a masterpiece a delicate one whose heart carried the scars of the unbounded strings. They weren't meant for her, yet she caged them in the hope of love when she forgot betrayal was what they were wishing for.

She was called hope by the hopeless and indeed she came in like rain into the deserted hearts of the despondent. She was a daydream with closed eyes yet a living nightmare walking lively, making the dead squirm under the soil. They never knew she was the deadliest storm being kept this close.

She was a loner who sought satisfaction by clawing those fingernails into the devastated hearts of the heartsick. She oozed charm such a delicate human who was gratified by the wounds she gave right in the places of the past bruises. She was the irreplaceable happiness yet bought never wounds to them.

They were so easy to fall. They believed in words when that touch held a poisonous sting. Just a kiss was what they said deepening it with love dripping from those nails just a hustle was what she planned.

With an ugly heart, she held the beauty of an angel a smile so breathtaking with the darkened eyes inflicting pain to them. A girl who when sat foot on the ground made even the demon shudder.

She, now lying on the hospital bed made them realize one thing. She wasn't born this way. She was turned, experimented, made into that person. Today even the demon watching her shed a tear for her.

~From the one who called out her cruelty

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