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Thirty Love Letters To Him

To the one who will stay forever

The aroma of cocoa beans and caffeine filled the coffee shop as the sound of the chocolate beans grinding and the people rushing disturbed the calm atmosphere. The bell at the door chimed as someone entered. Being behind, the counters it was my first day as a barista.

You had the grey coat wrapped in your arms white dress shirt tucked in your suit pants. Eyebrows creased as you spoke rather loudly to someone over the phone. It was your lucky day as the queue was quite short and the other people didn't have to hear the profanities you were throwing at the phone.

Unluckily time passed, quite fast and you were there in front of me still using the foul language over the phone.

"I will have one long black coffee." The tone came out harshly. My head whipped towards you as the irritation sunk deep into my veins.

"Sure sir." Turning my head rudely towards the coffee machine murmuring under my breath.

"Make it fast. I don't have time." Saying through your gritted teeth annoyance was evident on your face. My grip tightened on the coffee mug and softened as soon as Jeremy's hand rested on my lower back calming me down.

"Sir, please be seated we will call you out as soon as your coffee is ready." He said, keeping his tone in check. You walked back to the table in the back jaw clenching and unclenching.

A few minutes passed by, and I was standing with your coffee cup in my hand and a marker.

"You got the name, right?" He asked. I nodded in triumph and wrote your name over it. With a smirk, I called you out.

"Asshole." A few heads turned, and in the sea of those people, I saw your head turned too. Your eyes roamed and adjusted on the cup I was holding and then to my eyes. As the realization dawned on you, the pretty forehead of yours had a frown the beautiful emerald green eyes of yours had the anger blazing through them. You stormed towards the counter. With a glare, you snatched the cup from my hands.

"Some guts you have." I shrugged nonchalantly and went back to work.

"My name is not an asshole."

"But you turned."

This was how we met. Me behind the counters with a big white apron wrapped around my waist hair tied up in a bun. You, always making a big entrance suited well with an annoyed expression. Glaring at each other was how we communicated until one-day Sandra told me you had asked about me when I wasn't there to take your order.

An overwhelming feeling struck my heart. It rained that day the stars twinkled as if the universe was telling a different story. And I swear I saw you sigh with relief when you entered the other day as your eyes saw mine.

I remember it was your 21st birthday the coffee shop was decorated with fairy lights and golden balloons. You had a puzzled expression, but your heart itched to know if I was the reason. You wore the same white shirt with a black blazer over it the coat hung loosely over one shoulder. The frown never seemed to disappear those emerald green eyes, were too quiet.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw you getting up a part of me sunk a little. Taking short steps towards the door, I sighed and turned and carried on with my work.

"Hi" A smile formed on my face. Turning around you were there with your hands on the counter leaning forward. The frown had disappeared, those eyes looked hopeful.

"Mind if I stick around here with you?" Just a small gesture had my heart thumping. The left dimple deeper than the right one. I mumbled a small no and carried on doing my work, hoping my manager wouldn't mind.

"Twenty questions?" You asked with your eyebrows raised a little those eyes glistened as if they were seeing their faith unfold in front of them. I gave a small smile and nodded.

I asked the first question that I had always wanted to ask.

"Why are you always dressed like that?" You chortled at my stupid question.

This was how we found each other. In the arms of love, with a dazzling faith and a long-lasting destiny.

It was, your 23rd birthday and I was sitting on your bed writing the vows. The ceremony was to be held after 3 days, I had a sinking feeling in my heart. The strings around our heart were tightening, as my breath hitched gripping the sheets tightly they snapped on your 29th birthday.

Its been 2 weeks the sound of the beeping monitor, the closing and opening of the doors the cries the smiles circling those white walls been 2 weeks to your car crash. 2 weeks to the wires attached to your body with the monitor. 2 weeks being in a coma.

The love still blossomed it was the faith that left us.

I don't know if I will ever be happy on this day. I turned thirty today.

~ From the one who wishes to be with you again

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